Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Racism 1-25-11

I can relate to the african american boy that was talking about the siuation he goes through when going into the store. It relates to me because I have noticed whenever African American people going into stores the security and store people tend to have a habit to watch them closely. I think the emotion is like singled out because other races can walk in instead of having to know they are being watched as if they are going to steal something. And i remeber a time when i walked into a store with friends and like the store employees were following us but, trying to act as if they were doing something in our area. But, i think African Americans give themselves a reason to be watched based on the others actions. But, I think they should not be stereotyped because they are not all the same. And personally I think it should be ignored there are more things in life and people have all their own problems to me it is very irrevelant.